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Bondi, Mirella and Morten, Lauro and Mottana, Annibale:
Studi sperimentali sui pirosseni onfacitici: sintesi idrotermali a moderate pressioni. Parte II. Soluzioni solide $CaMgSi_{2}O_{6} \rightleftharpoons ^ Na(Al,Fe^{3+})Si_{2}O_{6}$
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 71 (1981), fasc. n.6, p. 191-202, (Italian)
Seguito di RLINA_1981_8_71_5_101_0 | pdf (570 Kb), djvu (660 Kb).


Experimental studies have been carried out along the diopside-jadeite join and along ternar13y compositions diopside-jadeite with 10 mol % acmite added, using coprecipitated gels as starting materials. Pressures between 1 and 30 kbar $P(H_{2}O)$ at temperatures 450 to 1200 °C were used. The solid solution limit between Di and Jd is $13 \pm 1$ mol % for pressures 1, 2 an d 3 kbar $P(H_{2}O)$. The ternary compositions vary widely in their cell parameters as a consequence of experimental difficulties encountered in sealing the capsules to outside components (oxygen mainly), as well as a result of the fact that starting materials were mixes of diopsidic pyroxene and jadeitic/acmitic glasses, the production of homogeneous gels having proved to be impossible. The synthesis of stoichiometric chloromelanite $(Di_{33}Jd_{33}Ac_{33})$ did not succeed for the same reason, in spite of the use of solid-state buffers.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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