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Bondi, Mirella and Morten, Lauro and Mottana, Annibale:
Studi sperimentali sui pirosseni onfacitici: sintesi idrotermali a moderate pressioni. Parte I. Soluzioni solide $CaMgSi_{2}O_{6} \rightleftharpoons Na(Cr,Fe^{3+})Si_{2}O_{6}$
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 71 (1981), fasc. n.5, p. 101-114, (Italian)
È seguito da RLINA_1981_8_71_6_191_0 | pdf (641 Kb), djvu (843 Kb).


Experimental studies have been carried out at $P(H_{2}O)$ 1 to 2 kbar and temperatures 500 to 800 °C on coprecipitated gels in the systems diopside-acmite (Di—Ac) and diopside-kosmochlor (Di—Ko) with the purpose of determining the solid solution properties. The Di—Ac system is binary under the conditions used, and the unit-cell parameters of the intermediate compositions appear to vary in an appreciably linear way. For Fe-rich compositions, however, the time factor is essential in controlling the synthesis experiments, given the tendency of $Fe^{3+}$ to become reduced to $Fe^{2+}$, so that non-stoichiometric pyroxenes form. The Di—Ko system displays a very limited range of solid solution (< 5% $Ko$), which casts doubts on the possibility that $Ko$ may play a significant role in the crystal chemistry of chromiferous diopsides and/or omphacites occurring in high-pressure kimberlite nodules.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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