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Clerc, Jean-Louis:
A triple ratio on the Silov boundary of a bounded symmetric domain
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni Serie 9 13 (2002), fasc. n.3-4, p. 209-217, (English)
pdf (372 Kb), djvu (128 Kb). | MR1984101 | Zbl 1225.32016


Let $D$ be a Hermitian symmetric space of tube type, $S$ its Silov boundary and $G$ the neutral component of the group of bi-holomorphic diffeomorphisms of $D$. Our main interest is in studying the action of $G$ on $S^{3} = S \times S \times S$. Sections 1 and 2 are part of a joint work with B. Ørsted (see [4]). In Section 1, as a pedagogical introduction, we study the case where $D$ is the unit disc and $S$ is the circle. This is a fairly elementary and explicit case, where one can easily get a flavour of the more general results. In Section 2, we study the case of tube type domains, for which we show that there is a finite number of open $G$-orbits in $S^{3}$, and to each orbit we associate an integer, called the Maslov index. In the special case where $D$ is the Siegel disc, then $G$ is (isomorphic to) the symplectic group and $S$ is the manifold of Lagrangian subspaces. The result on the orbits and the number which we construct coincides with the classical theory of the Maslov index (see e.g. [7]), hence the name. We describe a formula for computing the Maslov index, using the automorphy kernel of the domain $D$. In the special case of the Lagrangian manifold, this formula was obtained by Magneron [8] in a different approach. In Section 3, we study the case where $D$ is the unit ball in a (rectangular) matrix space. There is now an infinite family of orbits, and we construct characteristic invariants for the action of $G$ on $S^{3}$. For the special case where $D$ is the unit ball in $\mathbb{C}^{2}$, this coincides with an invariant constructed by E. Cartan for the «hypersphere» (see [2]). In all cases, we follow the following method: from an appropriate automorphy kernel for $D$ we construct a kernel on $D \times D \times D$, satisfying a simple transformation property under the action of $G$. We then define a dense open set of $S^{3}$ (the set of mutually transversal points in $S$), on which the kernel (or some function of it) can be extended continuously, and the resulting kernel is invariant or at least transforms nicely under the action of $G$.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] W. Bertram, Un théorème de Liouville pour les algèbres de Jordan. Bull. Math. Soc. France, 124, 1996, 299-327. | fulltext EuDML | fulltext mini-dml | MR 1414541 | Zbl 0926.17020
[2] E. Cartan, Sur le groupe de la géométrie hypersphérique. Comm. Math. Helv., 4, 1932, 158-171. | fulltext EuDML | fulltext (doi) | MR 1509453 | Zbl 0005.11405
[3] J.-L. Clerc, A triple ratio on the unitary Stiefel manifold. L’Enseignement Mathématique, to appear. | MR 1923417 | Zbl 1047.32014
[4] J.-L. Clerc - B. Ørsted, The Maslov index revisited. Transformation Groups, to appear. | Zbl 1078.53076
[5] J. Faraut - A. Korányi, Analysis on symmetric cones. Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1994. | MR 1446489 | Zbl 0841.43002
[6] A. Korányi - H.M. Reimann, The complex cross ratio on the Heisenberg group. L’Ens. Math., 33, 1987, 291-300. | MR 925991 | Zbl 0638.22005
[7] G. Lion - M. Vergne, The Weil representation, Maslov index and Theta series. Progress in Mathematics, 6, Birkhäuser, Boston 1980. | MR 573448 | Zbl 0444.22005
[8] B. Magneron, Spineurs symplectiques purs et indice de Maslov de plans lagrangiens positifs. J. Funct. Anal., 59, 1984, 90-122. | fulltext (doi) | MR 763778 | Zbl 0548.57024
[9] I. Satake, Algebraic structures of symmetric domains. Kanô Memorial Lectures, 4, Iwanami Shoten and Princeton University Press, Princeton 1980. | MR 591460 | Zbl 0483.32017
[10] D. Toledo, Representations of surface groups in complex hyperbolic space. J. of Diff. Geom., 29, 1989, 125-133. | fulltext mini-dml | MR 978081 | Zbl 0676.57012

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