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Kondratiev, Vladimir A. and Oleinik, Olga A.:
Estimates near the boundary for second order derivatives of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the biharmonic equation
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 80 (1986), fasc. n.7-12, p. 525-529, (English)
pdf (592 Kb), djvu (518 Kb). | MR 0976945 | Zbl 0675.35028


Per ogni soluzione della (1) nel dominio limitato $\Omega$,, appartenente a $H_{0}^{2}(\Omega)$ e soddisfacente le condizioni (2), si dimostra la maggiorazione (5), valida nell'intorno di ogni punto $x^{0}$ del contorno; si consente a $\partial\Omega$ di essere singolare in $x^{0}$.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] KONDRATIEV V.A. and OLEINIK O.A. - Best possible estimates in Hölder spaces for weak solutions of the biharmonic equation, the Navier-Stokes system, and the Karman system in non-smooth two-dimensional domains. «Vestnik Mosc. Univ.», ser. 1, «Mat., Mech.», 6, 22-39, 1983.
[2] KONDRATIEV V.A., KOPACEK J., LEKVEISHVILI D.M. and OLEINIK O.A. - Best possible estimates in Hölder spaces and the precise Saint-Venant principle for solutions of the biharmonic equation, «Trudy Mat. Institute im. Steklov», 166, 91-106, 1984. | MR 752171 | Zbl 0566.35045
[3] KONDRATIEV V.A. and OLEINIK O.A. - On the smoothness of weak solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the biharmonic equation in domains with non-regular boundary. In: Nonlinear partial differential equations and their applications. College de France seminar, 7, 180-199, 1986. | MR 879462 | Zbl 0576.35040
[4] OLEINIK O.A. - On some mathematical problems of elasticity. Convegno Celebrativo del Centenario della nascita di Mauro Picone e di Leonida Tonelli, 6-9 maggio 1985. «Accad. Naz. dei Lincei», Roma, 259-273, 1986.
[5] KOPACEK J. and OLEINIK O.A. - On the behaviour of solutions of the elasticity system in a neighbourhood of irregular points of the boundary and at the infinity, «Transactions of the Moscow Math. Society», 43, 1981. | Zbl 0506.73020
[6] AGMON S.J. DOUGLIS A. and NIRENBERG L. - Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary conditions. «I. Comm. Pure Appl. Math.», 12, 623-727, 1959. | MR 125307 | Zbl 0093.10401
[7] SOBOLEV S.L. - Some applications of functional analysis to mathematical physics. Leningrad Univers., 1950. | MR 52039 | Zbl 0123.09003
[8] MORREY C.B. - Multiple integrals in the calculus of variations. Springer Verlag, 130, 1966. | MR 202511 | Zbl 0142.38701
[9] MAZYA V.G. and SHAPOSHNIKOVA T.O. - On requirements for the boundary in $L_{p}$-theory of elliptic boundary value problems, «Dokl. A.N. USSR», 251 (5), 1055-1058, 1980. | MR 569375 | Zbl 0456.35024

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