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Lona, Fausto and Corradi, Maria Grazia and Arduini, Adriana:
Induzione di quiescenza nei bulbilli di Saxifraga cernua L. per trattamento della pianta madre con quiescine
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 69 (1980), fasc. n.1-2, p. 81-83, (Italian)
pdf (302 Kb), djvu (245 Kb).


The aerial bulblets of Saxifraga cernua L. developing at the leaves axil, are good propagation organs of this arcto-alpine plantlet which frequently does not show a complete sexual reproduction. The little purple bulblets germinate rather promptly when detached (or drop naturally) from plants cultivated in our “alpine” greenhouse or in a common greenhouse. This material was introduced in our phytotron as a very useful test for studying some morphogenetical manifestations (Lona et al. 1969). According to previous observations, these bulblets can be induced to enter a lasting dormancy when treated with ABA (=Dormin=Quiescin=Antiblastin) and/or other Antiblastins. Conversely they can easily undergo a successive process of de-quiescence by treat ment with gibberellic acid (GA), and meet sprouting. The present article reports the possibility of inducing dormancy in this material by supplying ABA through the stem, the dormancy being reversible again by treatment with GA. Further research is being carried on in our laboratory on this subject.
Referenze Bibliografiche
Lona F. e Fioretti Laura (1963) - Ormonizzazione dei semi attraverso la pianta madre, «L’Ateneo Parmense», 34 (4), 394-401.
Lona F. e Lona Fioretti L. (1969) - La Quiescenza ed il risveglio nelle Fanerogame, «Regno Verde», fasc. 67, 1870-1873.

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