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Referenza completa

Zaffagnini, Fulvio and Rossi, Fiorenza:
L'ermafroditismo in Triops cancriformis (Crustacea, Notostraca)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 69 (1980), fasc. n.1-2, p. 71-75, (Italian)
pdf (937 Kb), djvu (507 Kb).


24 specimens of Triops cancriformis from a maleless population living in a rice field of Sibari plain (Cosenza) have been examined. All the animals possess ovario-testes; the degree of hermaphroditism is variable. The testis lobes do not show an uniform distribution along the reproductive system; they are almost exclusively placed in the portion behind the efferent oviduct. On the ground of this observation the Authors think that in Triops there is not a cephalo-caudal maleness gradient, but a progressive reduction of hermaphroditism from the cephalic end.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] F. Zaffagnini e M. Trentini (1980) - The distribution and reproduction of Triops cancriformis (Bosc) in Europe (Crustacea Notostraca), «Monitore zool. ital.», (N. S.), 14, 1-8.
[2] A.R. Longhurst (1954) - Reproduction in Notostraca (Crustacea), «Nature», London, 173, 781-782.
[3] K.G. Wingstrand (1978) - Comparative Spermatology of the Crustacea Entomostroca I. Subclass Branchiopoda, «Biol. Skr. Dan. Vid. Selsk.», 22 (1), 1—66.

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