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Cappelletti, Mariella:
Studies in plant morphology by scanning electron microscopy and applications to plant species of pharmaceutical interest. Comparative research on differential microcharacters of the dried, powdered flower heads of Arnica montana L. and of two adulterant species
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 66 (1979), fasc. n.2, p. 143-147, (English)
pdf (512 Kb), djvu (624 Kb).


Un esame comparativo dei microcaratteri delle infiorescenze di Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis ed Anthemis tinctoria per mezzo del microscopio elettronico a scansione, ha permesso di stabilire che a livello delle superfici epidermiche abassiali di brattee involucrali e ligule, nonché a livello dell'epicarpo degli acheni, sono presenti particolarità che consentono l'identificazione delle tre specie anche disponendo di campioni di droga polverizzata.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] J. Baagøe (1977) - Microcharacters in the ligules of the Compositae, in: «The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae», (V.H. Heywood, J.B. Harborne and B.L. Turner, Eds), Academic Press, London and New York, 1, Chapter 7, 119-139.
[2] E.M. Cappelletti (1978) - Studies in plant morphology by scanning electron microscopy and applications to plant species of pharmaceutical interest. Inflorescences of Arnica montana L. subsp. montana, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei, Cl. Sc. mat., fis. e nat.», 65 (6), 333-337.
[3] E.M. Cappelletti (1979) - Studies in plant morphology by scanning electron microscopy and applications to plant species of pharmaceutical interest. Inflorescences of Calendula officinalis L. and Anthémis tinctoria Z., «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei, Cl. Sci. mat., fis. e nat.», 66 (1), 51-56. | fulltext bdim
[4] E.M. Cappelletti Paganelli (1979) - Caractères morphologiques différentiels entre les capitules de Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevi) Schultz Bip. et de sa falsification Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. au microscope électronique à balayage, «Plantes méd. et Phytothérapie», 13 (1), 13-20.
[5] S. Dezani and E. Guidetti (1953) - Trattato di Farmacognosia, 2a Ed., UTET, Torino.
[6] V.H. Heywood and C.J. Humphries (1977) - Anthemideae - systematic review, in: «The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae», (V.H. Heywood, J.B. Harborne and B.L. Turner, Eds), Academic Press, London and New York, 2, Chapter 31, 851-898.
[7] B.P. Jackson and D.W. Snowdon (1968) - Powdered vegetable drugs. An atlas of Microscopy for use in the identification of some Plant Materials employed as Medicinal Agents, Churchill Ltd. Ed., London.
[8] G. Karsten (1903) - Lehrbuch der Pharmakognosie des pflanzenreiches, G. Fischer-Verlag, Jena.
[9] B. Nordenstam (1977) - Senecioneae and Liabeae - systematic review, in: «The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae», (V.H. Heywood, J.B. Harborne and B.L. Turner, Eds), Academic Press, London and New York, 2, Chapter 29, 799-830.
[10] E.M. Paganelli Cappelletti and G. Casadoro (1977) - Leaf surface morphology of Atropa bella-donna and of some adulterant species by scanning electron microscopy, «Planta medica», 31, 357-366.
[11] R.R. Paris and H. Moyse (1971) - Précis de Matière médicale, Tome III, Masson Ed., Paris.
[12] G. Pollacci and L. Maffei (1944) - Botanica Farmaceutica, F. Vallardi Ed., Milano.
[13] T.E. Wallis (1960) - Text-book of Pharmacognosy, 4a Ed., Churchill Ltd. Ed., London.

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