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Sola, Luciana and Cataudella, Stefano:
I cromosomi di quattro specie di Scorpaenidae mediterranei (Pisces, Scorpaeniformes)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 64 (1978), fasc. n.4, p. 393-396, (Italian)
pdf (384 Kb), djvu (346 Kb).


Four species of Scorpaenidae have been investigated from the karyological viewpoint. R emarkable karyotypic differences have been evidenced within the genus Scorpaena; in fact Scorpaena porcus shows a diploid num ber 2 n = 42, Scorpaena scrofa 2 n = 46 and Scorpaena notata 2 n = 34. Moreover, the karyotypic variability within the family is emphasized by the complement of Helicolenus dactylopterus, characterized by 2 n = 48. The d ata have been discussed in relation to the problem of the taxonomic interrelationships of these species.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] H. HANN (1927) - The history of the germ cells of Cottus bairdii Girard., «J. Morph. Philad.», 43, 427-480.
[2] S. MAKINO (1937) - Notes on the chromosomes of some teleosts fishes, «Z. M. (Japan)», 49.
[3] S. NOGUSA (1957) - Chromosome studies in Pisces. VI. The X — Y chromosomes found in Cottus pollu Gunther (Cottidae), «J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ.», 13, 289-292.
[4] S. NOGUSA (1960) - A comparative study of the chromosomes of fishes with particular considerations on taxonomy and evolution, «Mem. Hjogo Univ. Agric.», 3 (1), 1-62.
[5] A. POST (1965) - Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Chromosomenzahlen bei Susswasser-Teleosteen, «Z. Zool. Syst. Evol. Forsch.», 3 (1/2), 47-93.
[6] S. ABE (1972) - Notes on the chromosomes of two species of fresh-water Cottid fishes, «Chrom. Infor. Ser.», 13, 25-27.
[7] R. ARAI e I. KATSUYAMA (1973) - Notes on the chromosomes of three species of shore fishes, «Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus. Tokjo», 16, 405-407.
[8] S. CATAUDELLA, M. V. CIVITELLI e E. CAPANNA (1973) - The chromosomes of some Mediterranean teleosts: Scorpaenidae, Serranidae, Labridae, Blenniidae, Gobiidae (Pisces—Scorpaeniformes, Perciformes), «Boll. Zool.», 40, 385-389.
[9] S. HITOTSUMACHI, M. SASAKI e Y. OJIMA (1969) - A comparative karyotype study in several species of Japanese Loaches (Pisces, Cobitidae), «Japan J. Genetics», 4, 157-161.
[10] E. CAPANNA, S. CATAUDELLA e R. VOLPE (1971) - Osservazioni morfologiche e cariologiche su di un ibrido intergenerico Salmo trutta X Salvelinus fontinalis, «Boll. Pesca Piscic. Idrobiol.», 27, 245-257.
[11] W. R. B. ROBERTSON (1916) - Chromosome studies: taxonomic relationships shown in the chromosomes of Tetticidae and Acrididae; v-shaped chromosomes and their significance, «J. Morph.», 27, 155-219.
[12] E. TORTONESE (1975) - Osteichthyes, «Fauna d'Italia» Calderini ed., XI.
[13] G. BINI (1968) Atlante dei Pesci delle coste italiane, VII.

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