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Librescu, Liviu:
Unsteady Magnetoaerodynamic Forces on an Oscillating Circular Cylindrical Shell of Finite Length. Part III: Dynamic Response Problem
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 64 (1978), fasc. n.1, p. 82-87, (English)
pdf (391 Kb), djvu (243 Kb). | Zbl 0398.76077


Quest'ultima Nota, essendo la continuazione delle prime due [1, 2], contiene la deduzione delle equazioni che governano il problema della risposta dinamica e descrive un metodo analitico per risolverle.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] L. LIBRESCU (1977) - Unsteady Magnetoaerodynamic Forces on an Oscillating Circular Cylindrical Shell of Finite Length. Part I: Simple Harmonic Motion, «Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Sc. fis. mat. e nat.», 62 (4). | Zbl 0383.76092
[2] L. LIBRESCU (1977) - Unsteady Magnetoaerodynamic Forces on an Oscillating Circular Cylindrical Shell of Finite Length. Part II: Transient Solution, «Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Sc. fis. mat. e nat.», 63 (6). | Zbl 0398.76076
[3] L. LIBRESCU (1969) - Elastostatics and Kinetics of Anisotropic and Heterogeneous Shell Type Structures (in Romanian), Publ. House of the Academy of the S.R. Romania. | Zbl 0335.73027
[4] S. M. BELOCZERKOVSKI et al. (1974) - The Motion of a Body Taking into Account the Non-Stationarity of the Gas Flow (in Russian), «Mechanika Tverd. Tela», 3, 35-43.
[5] S. M. BELOCZERKOVSKI et al. (1977) - The System of Analysing the Aeroelastic Characteristics of a Flight Vehicle by Taking into Account the Non-Stationarity of the Gas Flow (in Russian), «Mechanika Tverd. Tela», 3, 109-117.
[6] S. VASILACH (1959) - Calcul opérationnel algébrique des distribution à support dans $\mathbf{R}_{+}^{N}$, $n \ge 1$, «Rev. de Matéhmat. Pures et Appliq., Acad. Rep. Pop. Roumaine», 4 (2), 185-219. | MR 117547
[7] A. F. LEONTEV (1976) - Exponential Series (in Russian), «Publ. House "Nauka"», Moscow. | MR 584943
[8] T. P. G. LIVERMAN (1964) - Generalized Functions and Direct Operational Methods, vol. I, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. | MR 166568 | Zbl 0119.10301
[9] Y. FUJIMORI and Y. K. LIN (1973) - Analysis of Airplane Response to Nonstationary Turbulence Including Wing Bending Flexibility, «A.I.A.A. Journ.», 2 (3), 334-339. | Zbl 0258.73030

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