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Filoni, Sergio and Bosco, Luigi and Carlizzi, Cesare:
La rigenerazione del midollo spinale della coda di larve di Xenopus laevis operate negli stadi tardivi
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 63 (1977), fasc. n.5, p. 440-446, (Italian)
pdf (548 Kb), djvu (641 Kb).


The experiments in this work were designed to study the regenerative capacity of caudal spinal cord in larval Xenopus laevis at stages near to metamorphosis. 70% of the tail was removed in larval Xenopus laevis at stage 56-57 ( Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1956). The experimental animals were reared in 0.01% solution of PTU (4(6)- Propyl-2-thiouracil) in order to inhibit metamorphosis, and sacrificied after 3-5 months. The results obtained demonstrated that: a) the regenerated spinal cord of the tadpoles submitted to amputation of the tail at stage 56-57 presents a histological structure essentially similar to the structure of the regenerated spinal cord of the specimens operated at stage 48. In all cases the regenerated spinal cord is formed by ependymal layer, neurons and fibers, b) PTU has no direct effect on the regenerative process of the caudal spinal cord.
Referenze Bibliografiche
FILONI S. (1964 a) - Aspetti morfologici ed istologici della rigenerazione del telencefalo in larve di Xenopus laevis, «Rend. Ist. Sci. Camerino», 25, 111-134.
FILONI S. (1964 b) - Sulla rigenerazione del mesencefalo nelle larve di Xenopus laevis, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei», ser. VIII, 37, 521-527.
FILONI S. (1969) - Sulla morfogenesi del mesencefalo rigenerante in larve di Xenopus laevis, «Arch. It. Anat. Embriol.», 74, 89-109.
FILONI S., BAVA C. e MARGOTTA V. (1973) - La rigenerazione del midollo spinale della coda in larve di Xenopus laevis (Daudin), «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei», ser. VIII, 55, 586-591.
FILONI S. e BOSCO L. (1975) - La rigenerazione del midollo spinale della coda in larve di Xenopus laevis (Daudin). II. Analisi del processo rigenerativo, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei», ser. VIII, 58, 57-63.
FILONI S. e GIBERTINI G. (1969) - A study of the regenerative capacity of the central nervous system of Anuran Amphibia in relation to their stage of development. I. Observations on the regeneration of the optic lobe of Xenopus laevis (Daudin) in the larval stages, «Arch. Biol. (Liège)», 80, 369-411.
FILONI S. e MARGOTTA V. (1971) - A study on the regeneration of the cerebellum of Xenopus laevis (Daudin) in the larval stages and after metamorphosis, «Arch. Biol. (Liège)», 82, 433-470.
FILONI S., MARGOTTA V. e GIBERTINI G. (1972) - Analysis of the regenerative process of the optic tectum in an Anuran (Xenopus laevis Daudin) following removal of both optic lobes, «Monit. Zool. Ital.», 6, 213-229.
GOSS R. L. (1969) - Principles of regeration, Academic Press, New York and London, 209.
NIEUWKOOP P. D. e FABER J. (1956) - Normal table of Xenopus laevis (Daudin), Amsterdam: North Holland Publ. Co.
PIATT J. (1955) - Regeneration in the central nervous system of Amphibia, In: Windle W. F.. Regeneration in the Central Nervous System. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, p. 20.

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