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Referenza completa

Zullini, Aldo:
I Nematodi come bioindicatori. I. Studio di una successione
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 61 (1976), fasc. n.5, p. 503-507, (Italian)
pdf (478 Kb), djvu (675 Kb).


Six samples of fluvial sediments have been collected: two in clean water areas, the remaining four from different very polluted reaches of the same river. About 3-4 l of mud from each sample have been put in 15 l tanks. and flushed permanently for 5 months with tap water. In the tanks with clean sediments, Secernentea (typically polluted water inhabitants nematodes; species 1-13 of Table I) have represented, in the course of the first and second trial month, merely 16% of total nematodes (fig. 1); this rate remained substantially unchanged (13%) during the third, fourth and fifth trial month. In the four tanks with polluted sediments, Secernentea represent on the whole 93% of nematocoenosis during the first two months but, proceeding with oxydation and cleaning of the sediments, this rate decreases to 8 % in the reckoning carried out from the third to the fifth month (Table I and fig. 1). Among Secernentea, Tylenchida are probably less significant as ecological indicators than other groups, since most of them are not fungal feeding and saprophilous nematodes, but primarily plant feeders.
Referenze Bibliografiche
DOSZA-FARKAS K. (1965) - Untersuchungen über die Fauna des Budapester Leitungswassers, mit besonderer Berücksichigung der Nematoden, «Opusc. Zool. Budapest», 5, 173-181.
FERRIS V. R., FERRIS J. M. e CALLAHAN C. A. (1972) - Nematode community structure a tool for evaluating water resource environments, «Techn. Rep. 30, Purdue Univ., WRRC, West Lafayette», 40 pp.
HIRSCHMANN H. (1952) - Die Nematoden der Wassergrenze mittelfränkischer Gewässer, «Zool. Jb. (Syst.)», 81, 313-436.
MARCHETTI R. (1968) - Indagine sul torrente Seveso, Pub. Etas-Kompass, Milano, 233 pp.
SLÂDECEK V. (1973) - System of water quality from the biological point of view, «Arch. Hydrobipl.», 7, 1-218.
TRUDGILL D. L., EVANS K. e FAULKNER G. (1973) - A fluidising column for extracting nématodes from soil, «Nematologica», 18, 469-475.
ZULLINI A. (1976) - Nematodes as indicators of river pollution, «Nematol. medit.», 4, 13-22.

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