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Caloi, Pietro and Migani, Marcello:
Ulteriori precisazioni sull'origine dei microsismi
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 60 (1976), fasc. n.6, p. 824-833, (Italian)
pdf (4.22 MB), djvu (6.2 MB).


A series of experiments was performed in the dams of La Maina (Sauris) and Pieve di Cadore, able to explain some aspects of microseisms of local character. It is confirmed that, in small closed basins, the microseisms originate by rapid variations of the atmospheric pressure passing over the lake, owing to wavy systems with small wave-length, only affecting the superficial layer of the lake. That is, three seismographic stations are arranged into the dam, at three different heights between top and bottom: the first only records well developed microseisms, which are totally absent on the bottom and appear solely in the form of traces in the intermediate station. Another experiment, performed in the Pieve di Cadore dam, with seismographic station arranged at the same height, but in dam ashlars 120 meters distant between themselves, demostrated that local microseismes change from point to point, in form and amplitude. The absence of vertical component—recorded only as a trace—excludes the formation of Rayleigh waves. On changing the action line of the perturbing cause, microseisms increase in amplitude near a station, and decrease near the other one, separated from the first by an angular distance of about 55°. The recorded waves have character of longitudinal waves and they can be regarded as Rayleigh waves “fringes”, occurring in the Lamb theory. The extension of these conclusions to seas and oceans consents to affirm that sporadic, temporary, accidental microseisms, able to animate only short extents of coast, conditioned by the thickness of the sea layer, liable to the action of small wave-length microbarographic perturbations (and that take rise contemporary to fundamental microseisms—associated to systems which touch the sea bottom—destined to large distance), are essentially formed by longitudinal waves.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] CALOI P. (1971) - L'agitazione microsismica destata dalle perturbazioni metereologiche: I. Microsismi da piccoli bacini chiusi, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei, Cl. Sc. fis. mat. e nat.», 50 (maggio).
[2] CALOI P. (1971) - L'agitazione microsismica destata dalle perturbazioni metereologiche: II. Origine dei microsismi associati al transito dei cicloni, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei, CL Sc. fis. mat. e nat.», 50 (giugno).
[3] CALOI P. e MIGANI M. (1971) - Microsismi da piccoli bacini chiusi, da mari interni, da Oceani, «Annali di Geofisica», 24 (4).
[4] CALOI P. (1973) - I microsismi come onde di Lamb-Rayleigh, «Annali di Geofisica», 26 (1).
[5] CALOI P., MIGANI M. e SPADEA M. C. (1972) - Comportamento di una grande diga sotto il gelo spinto, «Annali di Geofisica», 25 (4).
[6] CALOI P., MIGANI M. e SPADEA M. C. (1973) - Ancora sulla microsismicità per gelo spinto presso una grande diga e sulle condizioni geodinamiche per la sua insorgenza, «Annali di Geofisica», 26 (4).

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