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Singh, Kanhaya Lal:
Two theorems characterizing increasing k-set contraction mappings
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 59 (1975), fasc. n.6, p. 749-757, (English)
pdf (765 Kb), djvu (1.15 MB). | MR 0482413 | Zbl 0349.47053


Vengono caratterizzati certi tipi di contrazioni, facendone fra l'altro applicazione per ritrovare alcuni risultati di Yamamuro [9].
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] C. KURATOWSKII (1966) - Topology, Volume 1 (Section 34), Academic Press. New York. | MR 217751
[2] G. DARBO (1955) - Punti Uniti in Transformazioni a Codomino Noncompatto, «Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova», 24, 84-92. | fulltext EuDML | MR 70164 | Zbl 0064.35704
[3] M. FURI and A. VIGNOLI (1970) - On $\alpha$-nonexpansive Mappings and Fixed point Theorems, «Accad. Naz. Lincei», (8), 48, 131-134. | MR 279792
[4] R. D. NUSSBAUM (1969) - k-set Contractions, Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Chicago.
[5] B. N. SADOVSKII (1972) - Limit Compact and Condensing Operators, «Russian Mathematical Survey», 27, 85-155. | MR 428132 | Zbl 0243.47033
[6] W. V. PETRYSHYN (1975) - Fredholm Alternatives for nonlinear k-ball Contraction Mappings with Applications, «Jour. Differential Equations», 17, 82-95. | fulltext (doi) | MR 355713
[7] W. V. PETRYSHYN (1973) - Fixed point Theorems for Various class of 1-set Contractions and 1-ball Contractions in Banach spaces, «Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.», 182, 323-352. | fulltext (doi) | MR 328688
[8] W. V. PETRYSHYN (1971) - Structure of Fixed point sets of k-set Contractions, «Arch. Rat. Mech. and Anal.», 40, 312-328. | fulltext (doi) | MR 273480 | Zbl 0218.47028
[9] SADAYUKI YAMAMURO (1965) - Monotone Mappings in Topological Linear Spaces, «Jour. Australian Math. Soc.», 5, 25-35. | MR 180842
[10] R. D. NUSSBAUM (1971) - Estimates of the Number of Solutions of Operatr Equations, «Applicable Analysis», 1, 183-200. | fulltext (doi) | MR 296780
[11] SADAYUKI YAMAMURO (1974) - Differential Calculus in Topological Linear Spaces, Lecture Note No. 374, Spinger Verlag. | MR 488118 | Zbl 0276.58001
[12] K. L. SINGH (1968) - Contraction Mappings and Fixed Point Theorems, «Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles», 83, 34-44. | MR 246177 | Zbl 0188.55402
[13] K. L. SINGH (1969) - A remark on a Paper by V. V. Bryant, «Amer. Math. Montly», 89.
[14] K. L. SINGH (1969) - Some Fixed Theorems, «Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma», (2) 10, 13-21. | MR 293612
[15] K. L. SINGH (1969) - Some Further Extensions of Banach's Contraction Principles, «Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma» (2), 10, 139-155. | MR 296929 | Zbl 0216.19404
[16] K. L. SINGH (1970) - Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces, II, «Bull. Math. Rumania», 14 (2), 237-246. | MR 326513
[17] K. L. SINGH - Fixed Point Theorems in Banach Spaces, I, Banaras Hindu University Scientific Journal (In Press).
[18] K. L. SINGH and S. SRIVASTAVA (1971) - On Some Fixed Point Theorems, «Nanta Mathematica» (In Press). | MR 454956
[19] K. L. SINGH, S. DED and B. GARDNER (1971) - On Contraction Mappings, «Rivista Mat. Univ. Parma», (2), 12. | MR 362281
[20] K. L. SINGH and B. P. SINGH - Proximate Solutions of Nonlinear Functional Equations and a Converse o f Banach's Contraction Principle, «Bharat Ganita» (Submitted). | MR 239069
[21] K. L. SINGH and B. P. SINGH - Quasi-nonexpansive Mappings and Common Fixed Points, «Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.» (Submitted). | MR 530455
[22] K. L. SINGH (1972) - Fixed Point Theorems for Densifying Mappings, I, «The Math. Students», 40, (3), 283-288. | MR 423140
[23] K. L. SINGH - Fixed Point Theorems for Densifying Mappings, «Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma» (accepted). | MR 540680
[24] K. L. SINGH - Construction of Fixed Point Theorems for Densifying Mappings, «Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma» (accepted). | MR 540680
[25] K. L. SINGH - Eigenvalues of Densifying Mappings, «Accad. Naz. dei Lincei» (accepted). | MR 448178
[26] K. L. SINGH - Some Applications of Darbo's Theorems, «Bull. Math. Rumania» (submitted). | MR 435955
[27] M. A. KRASNOSELSKII (1964) - Topological Methods for the study of Nonlinear Integral Equations, Pergamon Press, New York.
[28] M. M. VAINBERG (1964) - Variational Methods for the study of Nonlinear Operator Equations, Holden—Day Publishing Co., San Francisco. | MR 176364
[29] ANDREJ GRANAS (1961) - Introduction to the Topology of Function Spaces, Lecture Note, University of Chicago, Spring.
[30] K. L. SINGH - An Invariance of Domain Theorem for Increasing Densifying Mappings, «Fundamenta Mathematica» (submitted).

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