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Archidiacono, Nicoletta and de Capoa, Adriana and Ferraro, Marina and Rocchi, Angela and Scapellati, Antonella:
A familial translocation 4/11 : t(4;11) (q22;q24) identified by means of G-bands
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 59 (1975), fasc. n.1-2, p. 141-146, (English)
pdf (530 Kb), djvu (737 Kb).


Viene descritta una traslocazione familiare bilanciata 4q-/11q+ identificata mediante G-bande, presente in due maschi di due generazioni. Uno dei portatori ha avuto un figlio con gravi malformazioni congenite, deceduto due giorni dopo la nascita, di cui non è stato possibile eseguire l'analisi del cariotipo.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] A. DE LA CHAPELLE, M. KOIVISTO and J. SCHRODER (1973) - Segregating reciprocal (4/21) (q21;q21) translocation with proposita trisomic for parts of 4q and 21, «J. Med. Genet.», 10 (4), 384-389.
[2] B. DUTRILLAUX, C. LAURENT, A. FORABOSCO, B. NOEL, E. SUERINC, M. C. BIEMONTAND and J. B. COTTON (1975) - La trisomie 4q partielle. A propos de trois observations, «Ann. Génét.», 18, 21-27.
[3] U. FRANCKE (1974) - Quinacrine mustard fluorescence of human chromosomes: characterization of unusual translocations, «Am. J. Hum. Genet.», 24, 189-213.
[4] M. S. GOLBUS, F. A. CONTE and D. L. DAENTL (1973) - Deletion from the long arm of chromosome 4 (46, XX, 4q-) associated with congenital anomalies, «J. Med. Genet.», 10, 83-85.
[5] J. L. HAMERTON (1972) - Chromosome band nomenclature, The Paris conference, 1971, «Nobel Symposia», 23, 90-96.
[6] P. A. JACOBS, A. FRANCKIEWICZ and P. LAW (1972) - Incidence and mutation rates of structural rearrangements of the autosomes in man, «Ann. Hum. Genet.», 35, 301-319.
[7] C. H. OCKEY, G. B. FELDMAN, M. E. MACAULAY and M. G. DELANEY (1967) - A large deletion of the long arm of chromosome n. 4 in a child with limb abnormalities, «Arch.Dis. Childh.», 42, 428-434.
[8] H. G. SCHROTT, S. SAKAGUCHI, U. FRANCKE, L. LUZZATTI and P. J. FIALKOW (1974) - Translocation t(4q-;13q+) in three generations resulting in partial trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 4 in the fourth generation, «J. Med. Genet.», 11, 201-205.
[9] F. SKOVBY and E. NIEBUR (1974) - Presumably balanced translocations involving the same band of chromosome n. 4 found in two mentally retarded, dysmorphic individuals, «Ann. Génét.», 17, 243-249.
[10] M. SEABRIGHT (1972) - The use of proteolytic enzymes for the mapping of structural rearrangements in the chromosomes of man, «Chromosoma», 36, 204-210.
[11] M. W. SHAW, M. M. COHEN and H. M. HILDEBRANDT (1965) - A familial 4/5 reciprocal, translocation resulting in partial trisomy B, «Am. J. Hum. Genet.», 17 (1), 54-70.
[12] R. B. SURANA and P. E. CONEN (1972) - Partial trisomy 4 resulting from a 4/18 reciprocal translocation, «Ann. Génét.», 15 (3), 191-193.

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