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Referenza completa

Pezzoli, Giannantonio:
Sistemi bifase liquido-liquido e modelli geologici
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 58 (1975), fasc. n.4, p. 581-592, (Italian)
pdf (724 Kb), djvu (1.35 MB).


In the present work, after studying previous formulas of the geological models theory, a simple mathematical model has been arranged to understand the salt domes formation phenomena. In particular, this model has been compared with the "inversed" physical model carried out by G. Supino and his group. The reliability of this model has been proved by the good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] C. SOMIGLIANA (1931) - Sulla teoria del movimento glaciale, «Bollettino Comitato Glaciologico Italiano», 11.
[2] M. KING HUBBERT (1937) - Theory of scale models as applied in the study of geologic structures, «Bull. of Geol. Soc. of America», 48.
[3] M. KING HUBBERT (1945) - Strenght of the earth, «Bull. Am. Assoc. of Petroleum Geologist», 29.
[4] G. SUPINO (1964) - Sopra la possibilità di modelli geologici, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei», dicembre 1964. Note I e II. | MR 187906
[5] L. MONTEFUSCO, G. SCARPI e G. SUPINO (1971) - Un esempio di modello geologico, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei».
[6] J. C. JAEGER e N. G. W. COOK (1969) - Fundamentals of rock mechanics, Methuen, London.
[7] H. RAMBERG (1967) - Gravity, deformation and the earth's crust, as studied by centrifuged models, Academic Press, London-N.U.Y.
[8] B. J. DALY (1969) - Numerical study of the effect of surface tension on interface instability, «The physics of fluids», 12 (7).

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