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Massabó, Ivar:
A fixed-point theorem for single-valued mappings defined on a topological space
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 58 (1975), fasc. n.4, p. 559-567, (English)
pdf (660 Kb), djvu (993 Kb). | MR 0418073 | Zbl 0354.54030 0322.53018


Scopo di questa Nota è quello di mostrare come con la nozione di $\varphi$-coerenza, introdotta da Furi e Vignoli [7], si possano ottenere molti dei teoremi sull'esistenza del punto fisso.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] S. BANACH (1922) - Sur les operations dans les ensambles abstraits at leur applications aux equations integrales, «Found. Math.», 3, 138-181. | fulltext EuDML
[2] L. P. BELLUCE and W. A. KIRK (1969) - Fixed point theorems for certain classes of non-expansive mappings, «Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.», 20, 141-146. | fulltext (doi) | MR 233341 | Zbl 0165.16801
[3] D. W. BOYD and J. S. W. WONG (1969) - On non linear contractions (1969) - «Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.», 20, 458-464. | fulltext (doi) | MR 239559
[4] LJ. ČIRIČ (1971) - On contraction type mappings, «Mathematica Balkanica», 1, 52-57. | MR 324494
[5] LJ. ČIRIČ (1971) - Generalized contractions and fixed-point theorem, «Publications Inst. Math. Nouv. Serie», 12 (26), 19-26. | fulltext EuDML | MR 309092
[6] M. EDELSTEIN (1962) - On fixed and periodic points under contractive mappings, «J. London Math. Soc.», 37, 74-79. | fulltext (doi) | MR 133102 | Zbl 0113.16503
[7] M. FURI and A. VIGNOLI (1970) - A remark on some fixed-point theorems, «Boll. U.M.I.», ser. VI, 3, 197-200. | MR 263064 | Zbl 0193.51403
[8] R. KANNAN (1968) - Some results on fixed-point, I, «Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc.», 60, 71-76. | MR 257837 | Zbl 0209.27104
[9] R. KANNAN (1969) - Some results on fixed-point, II, «Amer. Math. Monthly», 76, 405-408. | fulltext (doi) | MR 257838 | Zbl 0179.28203
[10] W. A. KIRK (1969) - On mappings with diminishing orbital diameters, «J. London Math. Soc.», 44, 107-111. | fulltext (doi) | MR 233342 | Zbl 0162.54902
[11] E. RAKOTCH (1962) - A note on contractive mappings, «Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.». 13, 459-465. | fulltext (doi) | MR 148046 | Zbl 0105.35202
[12] S. REICH (1971) - Kannan's fixed-point theorem, «Boll. U.M.I.», ser. IV, 4, 1-11. | MR 305163 | Zbl 0219.54042
[13] V. M. SEHGAL (1972) - On fixed and periodic points for a class of mappings, «J. London Math. Soc.», (2) 5, 571-576. | fulltext (doi) | MR 319176 | Zbl 0245.54044

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