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Rossi, Loreto and Manassero, Alessandra and Vitagliano Tadini, Giovanna:
Cure parentali «marsupiali» in Asellus aquaticus (L.) (Crust. Isop.)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 58 (1975), fasc. n.3, p. 433-440, (Italian)
pdf (556 Kb), djvu (896 Kb).


A certain percentage (34%) of the females in wild populations of the freshwater Isopod Asellus aquaticus (L.) open their marsupia, and about 40% of their embryos are lost in the water. Such an ejection is due to the presence of dead embryos in the marsupium, and this presence is "perceived" by the mother, who gets rid of them operating a true counter-selection. It is possible to interpret the phenomenon as a kind of parental care, in that the female avoids to lose the whole progeny by the removal of the dead. The causes of mortality in embryos have been valued by in vitro culture of the embryos themselves.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] BALESDENT-MARQUET M. L. (1964) - Recherches sur la sexualité et le déterminisme des caractères sexuels d'Asellus aquaticus (L.) (Crust Isop.). Thèse Univers. Nancy.
[2] TALBOT H. WATERMAN (1960-1961) - The Physiology of Crustacea, 1, 2. Accad. Press, New York and London.
[3] VITAGLIANO TADINI G. e VALENTINO F. (1964) - Dati sull'idoneità di vari tipi di incroci fra non consanguinei e fra consanguinei in Asellus aquaticus, «Atti A.G.I.», 9.
[4] VITAGLIANO TADINI G. e VALENTINO F. (1964) - Accumulo di geni letali in popolazioni di Asellus aquaticus di diversa origine geografica, «Boll. Zool.», 31, (2).

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