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Referenza completa

Ludden, Gerald D. and Okumura, Masafumi and Yano, Kentaro:
Totally Real Stibmanifolds of Complex Manifolds
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 58 (1975), fasc. n.3, p. 346-353, (English)
pdf (618 Kb), djvu (865 Kb). | MR 0418001 | Zbl 0336.53018 0325.53038


Si approfondisce lo studio di certe sottovarietà di una varietà complessa, com'é specificato nella seguente Introduzione.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] K. ABE (1973) - Applications of a Riccati type differential equation to Riemannian manifolds with totally geodesic distributions, «Tohoku Math. Journ.», 25, 425-444. | fulltext (doi) | MR 350671 | Zbl 0283.53045
[2] B. Y. CHEN and K. OGIUE (1974) - On totally real submanifolds, «Trans. of AMS», 193, 257-266. | fulltext (doi) | MR 346708 | Zbl 0286.53019
[3] S. S. CHERN, M. P. DO CARMO and S. KOBAYOSHI - Minimal submanifolds of a sphere whith second fundamental form of constant length, Functional analysis and Related Fields. (Proc. Conf. for M. Stont, Univ. Chicago, Chicago, Ill. 1968), Springer, New York, 1970, 59-75. | MR 273546
[4] C. S. HOUH (1973) - Some totally real minimal hypersurfaces in CP2, «Proc. of AMS», 40, 240-244. | fulltext (doi) | MR 317189
[5] H. B. LAWSON Jr. (1969) - Rigidity Theorems in rank 1 symmetric spaces, «J. off Diff. Geom.», 3, 367-377. | MR 267492
[6] K. OGIUE - Differential geometry of Kaehler submanifolds, Notes from Michigan State University, to appear in «Advances in Mathematics». | fulltext (doi) | MR 346719
[7] M. OKUMURA - Submanifolds of real codimension p of a complex projective space, to appear. | MR 417994
[8] B. SMYTH (1973) - Submanifolds of constant mean curvature, «Math. Ann.», 205, 265-280. | fulltext EuDML | fulltext (doi) | MR 334102 | Zbl 0262.53037
[9] J. A. WOLFE (1963) - Elliptic spaces in Grassman manifolds, «Illinois J. of Math.», 7, 447-462. | MR 156295
[10] K. YANO (1963) - On a structure defined by a tensor field f of type (1,1) satisfying $f^{3} + f = 0$, «Tensor N. S.», 14, 99-109. | MR 159296 | Zbl 0122.40705

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