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Staikos, Vasilios and Sficas, Yiannis:
On the Oscillation of Bounded Solutions of Forced Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 58 (1975), fasc. n.3, p. 318-322, (English)
pdf (414 Kb), djvu (447 Kb). | Zbl 0352.34056


Gli Autori studiano il comportamento oscillatorio e asintotico delle soluzioni dell'equazione differenziale con argomenti ritardati e non autonoma $\left[ r(t) x^{(n-m)}(t) \right] ^{(m)} + a(t) f(x[g_{1}(t)], \cdots , x[g_{l}(t)]) b(t)$; il risultato ottenuto estende in varie direzioni uno recente dovuto a T. Kusano e H. Onose. Inoltre discutono ulteriori estensioni dei loro risultati.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] N. P. BHATIA (1966) - Some oscillation theorems for second order differential equations, «J. Math. Anal. Appl.», 15, 442-446. | fulltext (doi) | MR 203164 | Zbl 0144.11104
[2] L. E. BOBISUD (1969) - Oscillation of nonlinear second-order equations, «Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.», 23, 501-505. | fulltext (doi) | MR 247179 | Zbl 0186.41903
[3] A. G. KARTSATOS (1971) - On the maintenance of oscillations of n-th order equations under the effect of a small forcing term, «J. Differential equations», 10, 355-363. | fulltext (doi) | MR 288358 | Zbl 0216.11504
[4] I. T. KIGURADZE (1967) - A remark on the oscillation of solutions of the equation $u^{\prime\prime} + a(t) |u|^{n} sgn \, u = 0$, «Časopis Pĕst. Mat.», 92, 343-350. (Russian). | fulltext EuDML | MR 221012
[5] T. KUSANO, H. ONOSE and H. TOBE (1974) - On the oscillation of second order non-linear ordinary differential equations, «Hiroshima Math. J.» 4, 491-499. | MR 377183 | Zbl 0326.34044
[6] T. KUSANO and H. ONOSE (1974) - An oscillation theorem for differential equations with deviating arguments, «Proc. Japan Acad.» 50, 809-811. | MR 380057 | Zbl 0346.34053
[7] M. NAITO (1974) - Oscillation criteria for a second order differential equation with a damping term, «Hiroshima Math. J.», 4, 285-291. | MR 348187 | Zbl 0289.34047
[8] V. STAIKOS and Y. SFICAS (1973) - Oscillations for forced second order nonlinear differential equations, «Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.», 55, 25-30. | MR 369814 | Zbl 0309.34029
[9] V. STAIKOS and Y. SFICAS (1975) - Forced oscillations for differential equations of arbitrary order, «J. Differential Equations», 17, 1-11. | fulltext EuDML | fulltext (doi) | MR 355270 | Zbl 0325.34082
[10] V. STAIKOS and Y. SFICAS (1975) - Oscillatory and asymptotic characterization of the solutions of differential equations with deviating arguments, «J. London Math. Soc.», 10, 39-47. | fulltext (doi) | MR 372372 | Zbl 0303.34059
[11] C. C. TRAVIS (1972) - Oscillation theorems for second-order differential equations with functional arguments, «Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.», 31, 199-202. | fulltext (doi) | MR 285789

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