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Cirotto, Carlo and Petris, Anna and Panara, Fausto and Manelli, Harry:
Emoglobine di pollo adulto: struttura delle loro subunità
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 57 (1974), fasc. n.3-4, p. 275-279, (Italian)
pdf (433 Kb), djvu (628 Kb).


The $\beta$ chains of the two hemoglobins typical of the adult chicken show the same electrophoretic mobility. When analyzed with the fingerprint technique, the two $\beta$ chains show a similar peptide pattern, while the tryptic maps of the two $\alpha$ chains are very different. The electrophoretic characteristics of the tryptic peptides are in agreement with those obtained by analyzing the single chains by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in acetic acid-urea. These results are strongly supported by the electrophoretic data described in literature and by those concerning the SH group reactivity of the single chains. The hemoglobins of the adult chicken differ from those of the mammals; in fact, while in mammals both fetal and adult hemoglobins have identical $\alpha$ chains, in the chick there is a strong evidence for a very similar structure of the $\beta$ chains.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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