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Filoni, Sergio and Margotta, Vito:
Studio della capacità rigenerativa del sistema nervoso centrale negli Anfibi anuri in relazione con lo stadio di sviluppo. II. Osservazioni sulla rigenerazione del lobo ottico dello Xenopus laevis (Daudin) dopo la metamorfosi
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 54 (1973), fasc. n.1, p. 151-156, (Italian)
pdf (818 Kb), djvu (1.02 MB). | MR 0420185


The regenerative power of the optic lobe was studied in 70 young metamorphosed specimens of Xenopus laevis. The experimental animals were grouped as follows: Group I: more than 80% of the volume of the optic lobe was removed. Group II: 30% to 50% of the volume of the optic lobe was ablated. Group III: less than 30% of the optic lobe was ablated. The results showed than the regenerative capacity of the midbrain in metamorphosed specimens is very low. Only when the ablation of the optic lobe was inferior to 30% (Group III), the regeneration of numerous neurons and fibres was observed. Nevertheless the structure of the regenerated part was aberrant. In Groups I and II the regeneration of the optic lobe was always abortive or entirely lacking.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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FILONI S., «Boll. Zool.», 35, 396 (1968 b).
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SPAGNA A. e LOMBARDO F., «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei», ser. VIII, 46, 302 (1969).
SREBRO Z., «Fol. Biol.», 5, 211 (1957).
SREBRO Z., «Fol. Biol.», 13, 269 (1965).
STEFANELLI A., «Riv. Biol.», 53, 41 (1960).
TAYLOR A. C. e KOLLROS J. J., «Anat. Rec.», 94, 7 (1946).
TERRY R. J., «J. Exp. Zool.», 133, 389 (1956).

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