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Referenza completa

Sansò, Fernando:
Carta conforme con minime deformazioni areali. Nota I
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 52 (1972), fasc. n.2, p. 197-205, (Italian)
È seguito da RLINA_1972_8_52_4_513_0 | pdf (570 Kb), djvu (794 Kb). | MR 0333157 | Zbl 0239.50009


The problem we investigate concerns the choice, among conformal cartographic representations, of the one that causes as small areal deformations as possible. To that aim, we define an index of the global areal deformation through a functional T depending on the form of the cartographic representation. Since conformal representations are realized by a couple of harmonic functions, one of which depends on the other, we introduce a suitable topological space E of harmonic functions. The problem now becomes the minimization of the functional T of the space E. In this paper a theorem of existence of the minimum of T on E is demonstrated by means of classic variational techniques.
Referenze Bibliografiche
JORDAN e EGGERT, Handbuch der Vermessungskunde Driker band, Zweiter Halbband, J. B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1941.
MARTIN HOTINE, Mathematical Geodesy. U. S. Department of Commerce, Environmental Science Services Administration, Washington D. C. 1969.
RIESZ e NAGY, Leçons d'analyse fonctionnelle. Gauthiers Villars, Paris 1965. | MR 179567 | Zbl 0122.11205
CLAUDE BERGE, Espaces topologiques, «Fonctions multivoques». Dunod, Paris 1966. | MR 105663 | Zbl 0088.14703

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