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Brunelli, Marcello and Magni, Franco and Moruzzi, Giuseppe and Musumeci, Daniela:
Effetti di stimolazioni elettriche localizzate del ponte sulle attività istintive del piccione talamico e del piccione integro
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 50 (1971), fasc. n.5, p. 603-606, (Italian)
pdf (369 Kb), djvu (576 Kb).


This study is concerned with the effects of localized electrical stimulations of the pons on instinctive behavior in the chronic thalamic pigeon and in the intact pigeon. Two opposite effects have been described: i) an arousal reaction, which can be easily demonstrated during the periods of behavioral sleep of the thalamic pigeon; ii) an arrest of the instinctive behaviors which occurs during the waking periods of the chronic thalamic pigeon and in the intact bird. Simultaneous recordings of heart rate suggests that two antagonistic systems may be coactivated by the electrical stimulation of the same pontine locus. It has been shown, moreover, that for given parameters of electrical stimulation it is possible to activate selectively the neurons or the ascending pathways which are responsible for the arrest of the instinctive behavior.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] R. THAUER e G. PETERS, Sensibilität und Motorik bei lange überlebender Zwischen-Mittelhirntauben, «Pflügers Arch.», 240, 503-526 (1938).
[2] R. A. HINDE, Animal behaviour, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., x + 534 pp. (1966).
[3] E. VON HOLST e U. VON SAINT PAUL, Vom Wirkungsgefüge der Triebe, «Naturwiss.», 47, 409-422 (1960).
[4] E. VON HOLST e U. VON SAINT PAUL, Electrically controlled behavior, in «Psychology» (J. L. McGaugh, N. M. Wemberger, R. E. Whalen eds.), San Francisco and London, W. H. Freeman a. Co., 382 pp., 56-65 (1966).
[5] G. MORUZZI, Sleep and instinctive behavior, «Arch. ital. Biol.», 107, 175-216 (1969).

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