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Vosa, Carlo and Santorelli, Vincenzo and Vecchio, Giancarlo:
Caratterizzazione delle subunità biosintetiche 3H-6S e 3H-7S della tireoglobulina di ratto
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 50 (1971), fasc. n.2, p. 247-254, (Italian)
pdf (563 Kb), djvu (929 Kb).


The heterogeneous component 3-8 S, labeled with 3H-leucine after incubation of rat thyroid hemilobes in vitro, has been fractionated by means of several centrifugations in sucrose density gradients. Two labeled components, the 3H-6 S and the 3H-7 S proteins have been isolated in ultracentrifugally homogeneous form. Their relations with 19 S thyroglobulin from the same species have been ascertained by means of immunologic criteria. The molecular weight of the two proteins, determined by filtration through Sephadex G-150 and Sephadex G-200, are of about 120,000 for the 3H-6 S and 165,000 for the 3H-7 S. It is concluded that 19 S thyroglobulin results from the polymerization of two 6 S together with two 7 S subunits.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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