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Paganelli Cappelletti, Elsa M. and Lora, M. Tullia:
Notizie sull'effetto della desantolizzazione sul contenuto in leghemoglobina dei tubercoli radicali di Pisum sativum L. cv. "Vittoria" e Vicia faba L. cv. "Regina"
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 50 (1971), fasc. n.2, p. 211-215, (Italian)
pdf (426 Kb), djvu (609 Kb).


The effect of continuous removal of flower buds on the vegetative growth and on the leghaemoglobin content in root nodules, was studied in Pisum sativum L. and Vicia faba L. The treatment had the effect of slightly lengthening plant life, of stimulating flower bud formation and stem branching. Test plants showed increased weights of stems, leaves, roots and root nodules in comparison with the control ones. No significant effect on leghaemoglobin concentration in root nodules was however observed, so that the increased total leghaemoglobin content registered in the test plants depends only on the increased number and weight of root nodules.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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HARTREE E. F. (1955) - Haematin Compounds. In: Peach K. e M. V. Tracey, «Modern Methods of Plant Analysis», 4, 197-245.
KEILIN D. e Y. L. WANG (1945) - Haemoglobin in the root nodules of leguminous plants, «Nature», 155, 227-229.
MATTIROLO O. (1899) - Sulla influenza che la estirpazione dei Fiori esercita sui Tubercoli radicali delle Piante Leguminose (Rapporto tra Semi e Tubercoli), «Malpighia», 13, 382-421.
RAGGIO M. e N. RAGGIO (1962) - Root Nodules, «Ann. Rev. Pl. Physiol.», 13, 109-128.
ROPONEN I. E. e A. I. VIRTANEN (1968) - The Effect of Prevention of Flowering on the Vegetative Growth of Inoculated Pea Plants, «Physiol. Plantarum», 21, 655-667.
VIRTANEN A. I. (1945) - Symbiotic nitrogen fixation, «Nature», 155, 747-748.
VIRTANEN A. I., J. JORMA, H. LINKOLA e A. LINNASALMI (1947) - On the Relation between Nitrogen Fixation and Leghaemoglobin Content of Leguminous Root Nodules, «Acta Chem. Scand.», 1, 90-111.
VIRTANEN A. I., J. ERKAMA e H. LINKOLA (1947) - On the Relation between Nitrogen Fixation and Leghaemoglobin Content of Leguminous Root Nodules. II, «Acta Chem. Scand.», 1, 861-870.

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