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Patricolo, Eleonora and Mansueto-Bonaccorso, Caterina:
Gli effetti di alcuni amino acidi sullo sviluppo delle uova di Ciona intestinalis
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 48 (1970), fasc. n.6, p. 690-696, (Italian)
pdf (1.07 MB), djvu (1.12 MB).


The action of proline and its analogues (Hydroxyproline and pipecolic acid), glycine, sarcosine and histidine has been tested on the eggs of Ciona intestinalis, before and after fertilization. It has also been investigated by autoradiography if proline-H3,sarcosine-C14 and histidine-C14 are incorporated. The amino acids used do not exert any action on the unfertilized egg even after a treatment for twelve hours. However, in the developing egg, they exert their influence at early tailbud stage, giving rise to larvae with abnormalities which are mainly localized in the notochord. Histidine produces generalized abnormalities. Histidine is incorporated in the unfertilized egg; the other amino acids instead are not incorporated in the unfertilized egg but are abundantly taken up in early tail-bud stage.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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