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Zullini, Aldo:
Osservazioni sui Nematodi di un biotopo fluviale (Po a Trino Vercellese)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 47 (1969), fasc. n.1-2, p. 109-115, (Italian)
pdf (596 Kb), djvu (941 Kb).


Over the period of a year, the Nematodes from a stretch of stagnant water of the Po associated with Spirogyra were studied. Of the 12 species found the following are to be considered as «Leitformen»: Tobrilus consimilis, T. longus, Diplogaster rivalis, Plectus cirraius and Monhysfera spp. Measures were taken of examples of the Tobrilus genus supplied with vulva and, respectively, of spicules which pointed out the allometry in the final stage of growth (fig. 1). For the four dominating genera seasonal variations were also observed concerning their number and biomass (figs. 2 and 3) and ecological considerations were made.
Referenze Bibliografiche
ANDRÁSSY I., Die Rauminhalts- und Gewichtbestimmung der Fadenwürmer (Nematodent), «Acta Zool., Acad. Scient. Hungar.», 2 (1-3), 1-15 (1954).
ANDRÁSSY I., Nematoden aus dem Psammon des Adige-Flusses, I, «Mem. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat., Verona», 7, 163-181 (1959).
ANDRÁSSY I., Nematoden aus dem Periphyton der Landungsmolen der Donau zwischen Budapest und Mohács, «Ann. Univ. Scient. Budapest. Rolando Eötvös n.s. Biol.», 3, 3-21 (1960).
ANDRÁSSY I., Nematoden aus dem Psammon des Adige-Flusses, II, «Mem. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat., Verona», 10, 1-35 (1962).
BANAGE W. B., The ecological importance of free-living nematodes with special reference to those of moorland soil, «J. Anim. Ecol.», 32, 133-140 (1963).
HIRSCHMANN H., Die Nematoden der Wassergrenze mittelfränkischer Gewässer, «Zool. Jahrb., Jena, Abt. Syst.», 81 (4) 313-436 (1952).
MICOLETZKY H., Freilebende Nematoden der Wolga mit besonderer Berücksichtingung der Umgebung von Saratow, «Rabot. Volzhsk. Biol. Stantsii», 7 (1-2), 3-29 (1923).
MICOLETZKY H., Neue und seltene freilebende Nematoden aus dem Wolgagebiet (Kama), «Zool. Anz., Leipzig», 73 (58), 113-123 (1927).
PARISI V. e coll., Studio delle biocenosi lotiche del Po a Trino Vercellese: in preparazione.
SCHUURMANS STEKHOVEN J. H. e R. J. H. TENUISSEN, Nématodes libres terrestres. Fasc. (22) Mission (de Witte) (1933-35), «Explor. Parc Nat. Albert», 229 pp. (1938).
STEFANSKI W., Die freilebenden Nematoden des Inn, ihre Verbreitung und Systematik, «Zool. Anz., Leipzig», 46 (12), 363-368; (13) 369-385 (1916).
STURHAN D., Allometrische Untersuchungen an Longidoriden (Nematoda, Dorylaimoidea), «Z. Morph. Ökol. Tiere», 53, 39-60 (1963).

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