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Brunelli, Marcello and Bagnoli, Paola and D'Ajello, Vittoria and Magni, Franco:
Ulteriori ricerche sul ruolo delle gonadi maschili nella inibizione periferica del lampeggiamento in Luciola lusitanica (Charp.)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 46 (1969), fasc. n.6, p. 759-762, (Italian)
pdf, djvu.


Flashing elicited in the male firefly by direct electrical stimulation of the acutely denervated lantern can be inhibited by photic stimulation of the eyes. The inhibitory effect disappears after bilateral ablation of the gonads, or following section of the ventral nerve cord at the level of the 4th abdominal ganglion. Repetitive electrical stimulation of the male gonads decreases the intensity of both spontaneous and electrically driven flashing, with a time course similar to that of the photically induced inhibition of the driven flashing in the denervated lantern. Control experiments show that the inhibitory effect produced by electrical stimulation of the gonads is due to the release of an inhibitory substance from the testicle. A visual reflex acting upon the gonads through efferent fibers leaving the cord at the level of the last abdominal ganglia is responsible for the neurohumoral effect.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] M. BUONAMICI e F. MAGNI, «Arch. ital. Biol.», 105, 323 (1967).
[2] M. BRUNELLI, M. BUONAMICI e F. MAGNI, «Rend. Accad. Naz. Lincei. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. nat.», Ser. VIII, 44, 14 (1968). | fulltext bdim
[3] M. BRUNELLI, M. BUONAMICI e F. MAGNI, «Arch. ital. Biol.», 106, 85 (1968).
[4] M. BRUNELLI, M. BUONAMICI e F. MAGNI, «Boll. Soc. ital. Biol. sper.», 44, fasc. 20 bis, n. 89 (1968).
[5] M. BRUNELLI, M. BUONAMICI, F. MAGNI e M. VIOLA, «Boll. Soc. ital. Biol. sper.», 44, fasc. 20 bis, n. 90 (1968).
[6] M. BRUNELLI, M. BUONAMICI e F. MAGNI, «Arch. ital. Biol.», 106, 100 (1968).
[7] J. CASE e M. S. TRINKLE, «Biol. Bull.», 135, 476 (1968).
[8] F. MAGNI, «Arch. ital. Biol.», 105, 339 (1967).
[9] F. MAGNI, «Proceedings XXIV Int. Congress Physiol. Sci.», Washington, D.C. 6, 41 (1968).

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