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Vatova, Aristocle:
Associazione batiale a Cyclammina del Golfo di Taranto
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 46 (1969), fasc. n.3, p. 308-311, (Italian)
pdf (396 Kb), djvu (607 Kb).


A poor bathyal Foraminifera-community inhabiting the deeper muddy bottoms of the Gulf of Taranto (Ionian Sea) is described. Characterizing species are: Cyclammina cancellata Br., Pyrgo bulloides (d'Orb.), Spiofihanes kroyeri Gr. var. reyssi Laub., Amphicteis gunnerì (Sars) Ninoe kinbergi Ehl., Tharyx marioni (St. Jos.), Melinna palmata Gr., Nucula nucleus (L.), Abra alba (Wood.), Entalina tetragona (Br.), Goneplax rhomboïdes (L.), Thenea muricata (Bow.). The standing crop is only 1.1 g per sq.m.
Referenze Bibliografiche
BANDY O. L. e RODOLFO K. S., Distribution of Foraminifera and sediments, Peru-Chile Trench area; «Deep-Sea Research», 817-837 (1964).
BANDY O. L. e CHIERICI M. A., Depth-temperature evaluation of selected California and Mediterranean bathyal Foraminifera, «Marine Geology», 4, 259-271 (1966).
FIERRO G., Contributo allo studio delle microfaune del Mar Jonio, «Atti Soc. It. Sc. Nat. e Museo St. Nat. Milano»; CIII, 381-389 (1964).
GIERMANN G., Interpretation de deux profils de sondage dans la Mer Jonienne, «Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco», 64, Nr. 1322, 1-7 (1964).
NATLAND M. L., Paleoecology of West Coast Tertiary Sediments, «Treatise on Mar. Ecology and Paleoec.»; «Geol. Soc. of America, Mem.», 67, Vol. 2, 543-571 (1957).
PARAT M. e DEVILLERS CH., Sur les associations animales des côtes de l'Ile Jau Mayen, «C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris», 202, 90-92 (1936).
SILVESTRI A., Su di alcuni Foraminiferi del Mar Jonio, «Accad. Pont. Nuovi Lincei», IX, 179-233 (1893).
SPÄRCK R., Contributions to the animal ecology of the Franz Joseph Fjord and adjacent waters I-II, «Medd. om Grönland», 100, 1-38 (1933).
STEPHEN A. C., Preliminary survey of the Scottish waters of the North Sea by the Petersen grab, «Fisheries Board Scotland», Sc. Invest., 1-21 (1923).
STEPHEN A. C., Studies on the Scottish marine fauna: The natural faunistic divisions of the North Sea as shown by the quantitative distribution of the Molluscs, «Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh», 57, 601-616 (1933).
STEPHEN A. C., Studies on the Scottish marine fauna: Quantitative distribution of the Echinoderms and the natural faunistic divisions of the North Sea, «Trans. Roy Soc. Edinburgh», 57, 777-787 (1934).
THORSON G., Contributions to the animal ecology of the Scoresby Sound Fjord complex (East Greenland), «Medd. om Grönland», 100, 1-67 (1934).
THORSON G., Bottom communities (Sublittoral or Shallow Shelf), «Treatise on Mar. Ecology and Paleoec.»; «Geol. Soc. of America», Mem. 67, Vol. 1, 461-534 (1957).

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