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Rossi, Aldo and Palombi, Fioretta:
Su una caratteristica organizzazione neurofilamentosa individuata nelle cellule gangliari del nervo terminale in alcuni Teleostei
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 45 (1968), fasc. n.1-2, p. 73-75, (Italian)
pdf (524 Kb), djvu (578 Kb).


In the perikaryon of nervus terminalis ganglion cells of some Teleosts an argentophilic cytoplasmic body is present, which, in electron micrographs, appears as a coil of bundles of neurotubules and neurofilaments massed together. Each bundle is formed by a central tubule, symmetrically surrounded by 9-10 filaments.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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[9] E. PANNESE, Investigations on the ultrastructural changes of the spinal ganglion neurons in the course of axon regeneration and cell hypertrophy. II. Changes during cell hypertrophy and comparison between the ultrastructure of nerve cells of the same type under different functional conditions, «Z. Zellforsch.», 61, 561 (1963).

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