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Ambrosoli Mognoni, Giuseppina:
Ricerche sull'actina di muscolatura liscia e striata
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 44 (1968), fasc. n.1, p. 107-115, (Italian)
pdf (663 Kb), djvu (1.15 MB).


The sedimentation constant of actin of smooth muscle (3,6 S) is higher than that of striated muscle (3,0 S). The effect of denaturant (urea) and reducing (guanidine and tyoglicolic acid) substances on the two proteins is different. Small differences are remarked in the possibility of polimerization and reaction with myosin. Immunological tests have been used to investigate the difference between the two proteins after purification by gel filtration.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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[2] CARSTEN M. E., «Biochemistry», 4, 1049 (1965).
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[5] MOMMAERTS W. F. H. M., «J. Biol. Chem.», 198, 445 (1952).
[6] ADELSTEIN R. S., GODFREY J. E. e KIELLEY W. W., «Biochem. Bioph. Res. Commun.», 12, 34 (1963).
[7] SZENT-GYÖRGYI A., Chemistry of muscular contraction, «Academic Press Inc.», New York, 2nd edition (1951).
[8] MIHASHI K., «Arch. Bioch. Bioph.», 107, 441 (1964).
[9] NAGY B. e YENKS W., «Biochemistry», 1, 987 (1962).
[10] KRANS H. M., VAN EIJK H. G. e WESTENBRINK H. G. K., «Bioch. Bioph. Acta», 100, 193 (1965).

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