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Claar, Giovanni Massimiliano and Vecchio, Giancarlo:
Biosintesi in vivo della tireoglobulina: caratterizzazione del precursore 6 S
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 43 (1967), fasc. n.6, p. 602-607, (Italian)
pdf (525 Kb), djvu (830 Kb).


Previous studies on the biosynthesis of sheep thyroglobulin in vitro have shown that the formation of this iodoprotein (19S) is preceded by the appearance of two other components having a slower sedimentation rate (3-8S and 12S). While the 12S protein was interpreted as an intermediate in the synthesis of thyroglobulin, the nature of the 3-8S component still remained unclear. Studies recently carried out in our laboratory have shown a clearcut precursor-product relationship between a slow sedimenting component (6S) and 19S thyroglobulin during the synthesis of this iodoprotein followed in vivo. The present experiments have definitely clarified the nature of the slow-sedimenting component labeled in vivo with radioactive aminoacids. Only about 25% of the total radioactivity present in the so-called 3-8S component is related to thyroglobulin. This fraction has been isolated and some of its physico-chemical properties have been determined: it has a sedimentation constant of about 6S and a molecular weight of about 165000 and probably represents one quarter of the thyroglobulin molecule.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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