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Bocchi, Giancarlo and Carapezza, Marcello and Riva di Sanseverino, Lodovico:
Modalità di disidratazione dei sali di Tutton e loro implicazioni cristallochimiche. I. Termini cupriferi e nicheliferi
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 43 (1967), fasc. n.6, p. 568-577, (Italian)
È seguito da RLINA_1968_8_44_3_435_0 | pdf (648 Kb), djvu (1.22 MB).


Genetic considerations on sulfate minerals and their related hydrates suggested a study of the dehydratation of the so-called “Tutton salts” of general formula M12M11(SO4)2 · 6H2O. Two series of artificial compounds have been prepared, the first with Cu2+ and the other with Ni2+ as M11; M1 is NH+4, Tl+, K+. DTA and TGA thermograms at a very low rate of temperature rise show different features in the two series. The Cu2+ compounds loose firstly 4 H2O and at higher temperature the remaining 2 H2O. In the Ni2+ compounds all water molecules are lost simultaneously, with a weak departure from the expected trend for the sixth molecule (figg. 1 to 4). The obtained curves are interpreted with structural features of the hexacoordinated complex; crystallochemical proposals are described for the role of the univalent ion, in relation with its influence on the crystal field originated by the coordinating water ligands. Literature on the argument and our results are discussed and compared in connection with a continuing research program on double sulfates and their hydrates (Carapezza and Riva di Sanseverino 1967).
Referenze Bibliografiche
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