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Palladini, Guido and Mangia, Franco:
Il sacco olfattorio delle Lampetra italiane. - II. Osservazioni istochimiche
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 42 (1967), fasc. n.3, p. 435-438, (Italian)
Seguito di RLINA_1967_8_42_2_284_0 | pdf (447 Kb), djvu (606 Kb).


The authors have studied the histochemistry of the mucus secretion of the olfactory epithelium of two species of Italian lampreys, Lampetra zanandreai (Vlad.) and L. planeri (Block). The first species shows a very far-reaching reduction of the olfactory sac, a reduction that is not present in the latter (Mangia e Palladini, 1967). The mucus secretion is characterized by the presence of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfates localized in the distal extremity of the olfactory lamellae; There is no difference either between the two species or between the adult and the metamorphosing ammocoete of the same species. The significance of the observations is discussed.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] F. MANGIA e G. PALLADINI, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei», ser. VIII (in stampa). | fulltext bdim
[2] L. LISON, Histochemie et cytochemie animales, Paris, ed. Gauthier-Villars (1960).
[3] E. A. G. PEARSE, Hystochemistry, London, J. & A. Churchill (1960).
[4] G. PALLADINI, «Ric. Sci.», 1967 (in stampa).
[5] C. RAVETTO, «J. Histoch. Cytochem.», 12, 44 (1964).
[6] G. GEYER, «Acta Histoch.», 14, 26 (1962).
[7] G. PALLADINI e L. ALFEI, «Riv. Istoch.», 11, 51 (1965).
[8] M. G. MANFREDI-ROMANINI, «Riv. Istoch.», 2, 167 (1956).
[9] G. COTRONEI, «Rend. Acc. Naz. Lincei», ser. V, 33, 530 (1924).
[10] G. ZANANDREA, «Arch. Zool. Ital.», 29, 77, (1941).
[11] G. ZANANDREA, «Boll. Pesca, Pisc. Idrobiol.», 29, 252 (1953).
[12] L. HAGELIN e A. G. JOHNELS, «Acta Zool.», 36, 113 (1955).

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