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Chieffi, Giovanni and Botte, Virgilio:
Il differenziamento istochimico dell'interrenale e dei tessuti somatici della gonade embrionale di Lacerta sicula
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 39 (1965), fasc. n.6, p. 589-592, (Italian)
pdf, djvu.


The authors have studied through histochemical methods the onset of lipids, cholesterol and $3\beta$-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase ($3\beta$-HSDH) in the interrenal and the genital ridges of Lacerta sicula embryos. Lipids and cholesterol are already recognizable in the interrenal cells at the stage of 10-11 mm of total length, whilst $3\beta$-HSDH appears at the stage of 12-13 mm. In the genital ridges rare sudanophilic droplets are already present at the stage of 10-11 mm in the cortical and medullary cells. The Schultz test and the reaction for $3\beta$-HSDH are positive in the medullary cells of the ovary and the somatic cells of the seminifereous tubules of the testis (Sertoli's cells ?) from the of 16-17 mm, after the onset of sex differentiation. In the adult testis the enzyme as well as lipids and cholesterol are located only in the interstitial cells. The onset of steroid biosynthesis in the gonads after the stage of sex differentiation further confirms the hypothesis that the «embrionic sex inductors» are different from sex hormones of the adults.
Referenze Bibliografiche
BOTTE V. e DELRIO G., in corso di stampa su: «Boll. Zool.» (1965).
BOTTE V. e ROSATI P., «Acta Med. Vet.», 10, 3 (1964).
CHIEFFI G., Onset of steroidogenesis in the vertebrate embryonic gonads. In Organogenesis, R. L. DE HAAN e H. URSPRUNG, ed.; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1965).
CHIEFFI G., MARTERAZZI G. e BOTTE V., «Atti Soc. Peloritana, Sci. fis. mat. nat.», 10, 515 (1964).
COLLENOT A., «Comptes rendus», 259, 2535-2537 (1964).
HITZEMAN J. W., «Anat. Rec.», 143, 351 (1962).
LEVY H., DEANE H. W. e RUBIN B. L., «Endocrinology», 65, 932 (1959).
MARIN e SABBADIN A., «Atti Acc. Naz. Lincei, Rend. Cl. Sci. mat. e nat.», 26, 59 (1959). | MR 110749
NIEMI M. e IKONEN M., «Nature», 189, 592 (1961).

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