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Rossi, Aldo and Palombi, Fioretta:
Sull'azione del tiocianato di sodio nello sviluppo della corda dorsale di un Anfibio anuro (Bufo bufo L.)
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 39 (1965), fasc. n.6, p. 583-588, (Italian)
pdf, djvu.


Embryos of Bufo bufo at the stages of blastula and neurula have been treated with solutions of NaCNS at different molarities. In the treated embryos the notochord often extends as far as the diencephalic infundibulum, and in many cases it shows bends in the trunk, and increase of its diameter. The average volume of the notochord of the treated embryos does not differ significantly from the one of the controls. The notochord of the embryos treated at the stage of blastula shows an average radius significantly longer than the one of the controls, while this difference is insignificant for the embryos treated at the stage of neurula. The average length of the notochord of the treated embryos is significantly lower than the one of the controls. This demonstrates that the notochord of the treated embryos has not undergone a hypertrophy, but the malformations which, at first sight, seem due to abnormal increase of the organ (such as the increase of its diameter) are to be related to its shortening, not followed by a proportionate change of volume. The lack of hypertrophy of the notochord leads us to think that the extension of this organ beyond the diencephalic infundibulum is due to an inhibition of the general development of the embryo.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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[2] S. RANZI, E. TAMINI e E. STORARI-OFFER, Alterazioni dello sviluppo embrionale di Anfibi prodotte da solfocianato e da altre sostanze, «R. Ist. Lomb. Sci. e Lett.», 79, 161 (1946).
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[5] S. RANZI e G. GAVAROSI, Dimensions of the notochord and somites in embryos of Xenopus laevis treated with thiocyanate, «J. Embryol. exper. Morph.», 7, 117 (1959).
[6] A. ROSSI, Effetto del tiocianato di sodio sullo sviluppo di Bufo bufo, «Rend. Ist. Sci. Camerino», 5, 151 (1964).
[7] S. RANZI, Modificazioni dello sviluppo embrionale degli Anfibi prodotte da sostanze chimiche, «R. Ist. Lomb. Sci. e Lett.», 78, I (1943).
[8] J. W. JENKINSON, On the effect of certain solutions Upon the development of the frog's egg, «Arch. Entw. Mech.», 21, 367 (1906).
[9] T. TAKEUCHI, Effects of boric acid on the development of the eggs of the toad Bufo vulgaris formosus, «Sci. Rep. Tôhoku Univ.» (4) 24, 33 (1958).
[10] A. ROSSI, Tavole cronologiche dello sviluppo embrionale e larvale del Bufo bufo (L)., «Monit. Zool. Ital.», 66, 133 (1958).
[11] A. RUFFINI, Processi di tecnica embriologica ed istologica, Ed. Cappelli (1927).

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