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Stefanelli, Alberto and Zacchei, Anna Maria and Cataldi, Emilia and Ieradi, Luisa Anna:
Competizioni cellulari nelle proliferazioni nervose: studio con citostatici su colture in vitro di gangli spinali di pollo
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 39 (1965), fasc. n.6, p. 408-412, (Italian)
pdf, djvu.


By the use of a treatment with cytostatic drugs (colchycine, vinblastine sulphate) it was observed that the growth of nerve fibres from chick ganglion cells cultured in vitro is by no means promoted, even when different concentrations were used, by the lack of fibroblast proliferation. Colchycine is capable of blocking the proliferative activity of fibroblastic cells, without hindering the growth of nerve fibres, which goes on in the normal way. Vinblastine, however, in the active concentrations, acts both on the multiplication of fibroblasts and on the growth of nerve fibres.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] CHAN-NAO LIU, DONALD SCOTT, Regeneration in the dorsal spino-cerebellar tract of the cat, «J. Comp. Neur.», 109, 153 (1958).
ROBERT E. Mc MASTER, Regeneration of the spinal cord in the rat. Effect of Piromen and ACTH upon the regenerative capacity, «J. Comp. Neur.», 119, 113 (1962).
[2] G. PALLADINI, LAURA ALFEI, Observations concerning the regeneration of the spinal cord of the adult rat during treatment with antiblastic substances. In: Proc. Regeneration in Animals, pp. 515-519, Amsterdam.
[3] G. LEVI, Nouvelles recherches sur le tissue nerveux cultivè in vitro, «Arch. Biol.», 52, 133 (1941).
[4] RITA LEVI-MONTALCINI, VICTOR HAMBURGER, Selective growth stimulating effects of mouse sarcom in the sensory and sympathetic nervous system of the chick embryo, «J. Exp. Zool.», 116, 321 (1951).
[5] ALBERTO STEFANELLI, Il problema dell'orientamento delle fibre nervose in vitro studiate in colture disgregate di midotlo spinale embrionale di Gallus e Coturnix, «Acta Embr. Morph. Exp.», 3, 159 (1960).
A. STEFANELLI, A. M. ZACCHEI, S. CARAVITA, E. CATALDI, L. A. IERADI, Orientamento e connessioni di fibre gangliari di pollo in vitro, «Boll. Zool.», 31, 837 (1964).

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