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Robustelli, Francesco:
Relazione tra condizionamento di salvaguardia e apprendimento in un labirinto con stimolazione nocicettiva
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 39 (1965), fasc. n.5, p. 332-337, (Italian)
pdf, djvu.


In a previous study conducted with male rats of a Wistar strain no significant correlation was found between rate of avoidance conditioning in a shuttle-box (with light as conditioned stimulus) and maze learning (Lashley III maze, food motivation). Since the lack of correlation between the two tests could have been ascribed to differences in motivation, the experiments were repeated using the same shuttle-box and a Lashley III maze with an electrifiable floor. Identical results were obtained, showing that motivational factors cannot account for the absence of correlation between avoidance conditioning in a shuttle-box and maze learning.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] BOVET D., GATTI G. L. and FRANK M., An automatic device for the study of conditioned escape reactions in the rat. - I. A programming and recording method for establishing learning, retention and deconditioning curves, «Sci. Repts. Ist. Sup. Sanità», I, 127-138 (1961).
[2] BOVET D., GATTI G. L., PECORI-GIRALDI J. et FRANK M., Méthode d'enregistrement des réactions conditionnées de fuite dans la cage de Warner. Dispositif de programmation permettant l'établissement de courbes d'apprentissage et de rétention chez le rat. In: Neuropsychopharmacology, vol. 2 (Ed.: E. Rothlin), Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1961, 143-146.
[3] BOVET D., ROBUSTELLI F. et BIGNAMI G., Étude du conditionnement inhibiteur chez le Rat. Action de l'amphétamine, de la chlorpromazine et des agents cholinergiques, «C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris», 260, 4641-4645 (1965).
[4] DUFFY E., The psychological significance of the concept of "arousal", or "activation", «Psychol. Rev.», 64, 265-275 (1957).
[5] FRANK M., BOVET D. and GATTI G. L., An automatic device for the study of conditioned escape reactions in the rat. - II. Characteristics of the programmer and of the modified Warner cage for studying the barrier crossing response, «Sci. Repts. Ist. Sup. Sanità», I, 139-152 (1961).
[6] GUILFORD J. P., Zero correlations among tests of intellectual abilities, «Psychol. Bull.», 61, 401-404 (1964).
[7] LASHLEY K. S., Brain mechanism and intelligence, Chicago, Univ. Chicago Press, 1929.
[8] ROBUSTELLI F., McGAUGH J. L. and BOVET D., Relationship between avoidance conditioning and maze learning, «Psychol. Rep.», 13, 103-106 (1963).

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