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Jorquera, Boris and Rossi, Aldo:
Sull'azione del tiocianato di sodio nello sviluppo dell'embrione di pollo
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 38 (1965), fasc. n.6, p. 938-944, (Italian)
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Chick embryos (White Leghorn) of primitive-streak and head-process were bred in vitro with 0,0123 M and 0,0246 M solutions of NaSCN for varying period of time (6-12-24-48 hs.). Some embryos at the stage of head-process were transferred into the standard culture medium after the treatment with 0,0246 M NaSCN for 6-12-24 hs., and left there untill they reached the 48 hs. of breeding. 1) - The embryos treated at the stage of head-process showed a better development than the embryos treated at stage of primitive-streak with the same dose of NaSCN (0,0246 M) and for the same lenght of time. 2) - The treatment with NaSCN caused in the embryos of both stages, primitive-streak and head-process, an evident arrest in the body development. 3) - In the embryos at the stage of primitive-streak a rudimental nervous system developed, partially or totally lacking the spinal chord. Notochord and somites were absent, the mesenchima was reduced and the heart was partially double. 4) - All the organs of the embryos treated at the stage of head-process presented malformations variable according to the dose and the lenght of treatment; the neuraxis, the eyes, the lens and the ears showed an early arrest in their differentiation. The middle hind-brain and the anterior part of the chord are frequently degenerated and damaged. The somites had formed but the notochord could be partially or totally lacking. The development of the mesenchima was inhibited; after a treatment for 48 hs. with NaSCN it appeared greatly reduced owing to the formation of a large cavity communicating with the heart, which was morphologically single. Also the fore gut had formed but without specific differentiations.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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