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Referenza completa

Marussi, Antonio:
Le anomalie della gravità lungo la catena del Karakorum-Hindu Kush
Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Serie 8 35 (1963), fasc. n.5, p. 198-210, (Italian)
pdf (1.07 MB), djvu (2.09 MB).

Referenze Bibliografiche
G. ABETTI, A. ALESSIO, Geofisica, gravità e magnetismo. Spedizione Italiana De Filippi nell'Himalaia, Caracorùm e Turchestàn Cinese (1913-1914); Ser. I - Geodesia e Geofisica, vol. II; Zanichelli, 1929.
E. A. ROSOVA, Contribution to the study of the structure of the earth's crust in Central Asia, «Akad. Nauk SSSR», Seism. Inst. Trudy, no. 94; Moskva-Leningrad 1939.
V. EROLA, On the Structure of the Earth's Crust in the Neighborhood of the Ferghana Basin, Isostatic Inst.; Pubs., No. 10 (1941).
N. AMBOLT, Relative Schwerkraftsbestimmungen mit Pendeln in Zentralasien, Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the NW Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin - The Sino-Swedish Expedition; Publication 30, II Geodesy/2; Stockholm 1948.
E. A. ROSOVA, Distribution of earthquake epicentres and hypocentres in Central Asia, «Akad. Nauk SSSR», 1950.
G. A. GAMBURZEV, P. S. WEIZMAN, Comparison between the results of seismic deep sounding in Northern Tien Shan and seismological and gravimetric data, in connection with the structure of the Earth, «Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv.», Ser. geofiz., no. 9 (1956).
B. L. GULATEE, Gravity Data in India, «Surv. India», Techn. Paper no. 10 (1956).
A. MARUSSI, Gravimetric and Magnetometric Surveys Performed by the Italian Karakorum Expedition 1954-55, «Bull. Géod., année 1956», no. 41 (1956). Ist. Topografia e Geodesia Univ. Trieste; Publ., ser. A, no. 27.
N. S. SHATSKII, et al., Tectonic map of the U.S.S.R. and bordering regions on the scale of 1 to 5,000,000, «Akad. Nauk SSSR», 1956.
SURVEY OF INDIA, Gravity anomalies over pre-Cambrian in Peninsular India, «Surv. India», Techn. Paper, no. 11 (1956).
P. S. WEIZMAN, I. P. KOSMINSKAYA, YU. V. RISNICHENKO, New evidence for the structure of the earth's crust and mountain roots in Central Asia from data on seismic deep sounding, Abstracts of the Reports at the XI General Assembly of the I.U.G.G. - The International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior; Moskva 1957.
I. P. KOSMINSKAYA, G. G. MIHOTA, YU. V. TULINA, Constitution of the Earth's crust in the Alai-Pamir zone, after deep sounding results, «Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv.», Ser. geofiz., 1958.
V. V. BELOVSSOV, Development of the Earth and Tectogenesis, «Journ. Geophys. Research», vol. 65, no. 12, Dec. 1960.
E. N. BESSONOVA, et al., Investigation of the mechanism of earthquakes, «Soviet Research in Geophysics in english translation», vol. 4, Am. Geoph. Un., 1957 (pubbl. 1960), pp. 100-118.
A. DESIO, A. MARUSSI, On the Geotectonics of the Granites in the Karakorum and Hindu Kush Ranges (Central Asia), Int. Geological Congress, Copenhagen 1960. Ist. Topografia e Geodesia Univ. Trieste; Publ. no. 56.
V. N. KRESTNIKOV, I. L. NERSESOV, Struttura tettonica del Pamir e Tien Shan e sua relazione con la superficie di Mohorovičić, «Sovietskaia Geologia», no. 11 (1962).
B. I. BUDANOV, A. M. MESKHI, V. N. VOLKOW, S. P. KIRILOV, Sull'età del magmatismo granitoide del Pamir e Darvas, «Dokladij Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R.», vol. 136 (1962).

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