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Rionero, Salvatore:
A Peculiar Liapunov Functional for Ternary Reaction-Diffusion Dynamical Systems
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 9 4 (2011), fasc. n.3, p. 393-407, (English)
pdf (291 Kb), djvu (118 Kb). | MR 2906768 | Zbl 1234.35133


A Liapunov functional $W$, depending - together with the temporal derivative $\dot{W}$ along the solutions - on the eigenvalues via the system coefficients, is found. This functional is ``peculiar'' in the sense that $W$ is positive definite and simultaneously $\dot{W}$ is negative definite, if and only if all the eigenvalues have negative real part. An application to a general type of ternary system often encountered in the literature, is furnished.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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