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Sciacca, Michele and Mongiovì, Maria Stella and Jou, David:
Onde di calore e onde di densità di vortici nella turbolenza superfluida
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 9 1 (2008), fasc. n.3, p. 819-838, (Italian)
pdf (390 Kb), djvu (201 Kb). | MR 2455347 | Zbl 1191.35216


The main topic of this paper is the interaction between vortex density waves and high-frequency second sound in counterflow superfluid turbulence. To this end a thermodynamical model including vortex flux as independent variable is considered. This choice is crucial for the study of the transition of the behavior of the vortex-density perturbations from diffusive to propagative, which is necessary to interpret the details of the high-frequency second sound waves.
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