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Vega, Luis and Visciglia, Nicola:
A Uniqueness Result for Solutions to Subcritical NLS
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 9 1 (2008), fasc. n.3, p. 791-803, (English)
pdf (381 Kb), djvu (106 Kb). | MR 2455345 | Zbl 1191.35259


We extend in a nonlinear context previous results obtained in [8], [9], [10]. In particular we present a precised version of Morawetz type estimates and a uniqueness criterion for solutions to subcritical NLS.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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[8] L. VEGA - N. VISCIGLIA, On the local smoothing for the free Schrödinger equation. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 135 (2007), 119-128. | fulltext (doi) | MR 2280200 | Zbl 1173.35107
[9] L. VEGA - N. VISCIGLIA, On the local smmothing for a class of conformally invariant Schrödinger equations. Indiana Univ. Math. J., vol. 56 (2007), 2265-2304. | fulltext (doi) | MR 2360610 | Zbl 1171.35117
[10] L. VEGA - N. VISCIGLIA, Asymptotic lower bounds for a class of Schroedinger equations. Comm. Math. Phys., vol. 279 (2008), 429-453. | fulltext (doi) | MR 2383594 | Zbl 1155.35098

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