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Delitala, Marcello:
On the Mathematical Modelling of Complex Biological Systems. A Kinetic Theory Approach
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 9 1 (2008), fasc. n.3, p. 603-618, (English)
pdf (490 Kb), djvu (159 Kb). | MR 2455334 | Zbl 1188.92002


This paper deals with the mathematical modelling, based on the kinetic theory of active particles, of a complex biological living system constituted by different populations of cells. The modelling refers to the competition between immune and tumor cells. Moreover, a qualitative and quantitative analysis is developed, to show how the models can describe several interesting phenomena related to biological applications. A final section highlights further research perspectives related to the modelling of genetic mutations.
Referenze Bibliografiche
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