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Caire, Luisella and Cerruti, Umberto:
Questo numero è primo? Sì, forse, dipende ...
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 8 9-A (2006) —La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura, fasc. n.3-1, p. 449-481, Unione Matematica Italiana (Italian)
pdf (343 Kb), djvu (270 Kb). | MR2309899 | Zbl 1195.00012


In this paper we outline some algorithms answering the question if a given number is prime: primally criteria, that are deterministic (they positively reply yes or not) and unconditional, but inefficient (technically not polynomial-time); algoritms that are efficient, but only probabilistic (to say they give absolute certainty if they answer not, whereas they only give a low boundary of the probability for the number to be prime if they answer yes); algorithms that are the same time deterministic and efficient, but conditioned, that is they depend on the extended Riemann conjecture(yet to be proved).
Referenze Bibliografiche
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