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Referenza completa

Ballico, Edoardo and Keem, Changho and Kim, Seonja:
Normal generation of line bundles on a general $k$-gonal algebraic curve
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 8 6-B (2003), fasc. n.3, p. 557-562, Unione Matematica Italiana (English)
pdf (233 Kb), djvu (89 Kb). | MR2014818 | Zbl 1178.14030


Sia $X$ una curva $k$-gonale generale di genere $g$ ed $L \in \text{Pic}^{d}(X)$ con $d:= \text{deg} L > (3g-1)/2$, $h^{1}(X, L)\neq 0$ ed $L$ molto ampio. In questo lavoro dimostriamo che $L$ è normalmente generato se il luogo base di $KL^{-1}$ ha grado al massimo $c(k-2)/2$ con $c:= d-(3g-1)/2$.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[ACGH] E. ARBARELLO-M. CORNALBA-P. A. GRIFFITHS-J. HARRIS, Geometry of Algebraic Curves I, Springer Verlag, 1985. | MR 770932 | Zbl 0559.14017
[B] E. BALLICO, On Projectively Normal Embeddings of General $k$-gonal Curves, Ann. Univ. Ferrara, Sez. VII, Sc. Mat., XLV (1999), 123-125. | MR 1802479 | Zbl 1042.14502
[CKM] M. COPPENS-C. KEEM-G. MARTENS, Primitive linear series on curves, Manuscripta Math., 77 (1992), 237-264. | MR 1188583 | Zbl 0786.14016
[GL] M. GREEN-R. LAZARSFELD, On the projective normality of complete linear series on an algebraic curve, Invent. Math., 83 (1986), 73-90. | MR 813583 | Zbl 0594.14010
[K] S. KIM, On the Clifford sequence of a general $k$-gonal curve, Indag. Math., N.S.8 (1997), 209-216. | MR 1621995 | Zbl 0890.14014
[LM] H. LANGE-G. MARTENS, Normal generation and presentation of line bundles of low degree on curves, J. reine angew. Math., 356 (1985), 1-18. | MR 779373 | Zbl 0561.14009
[Mu] D. MUMFORD, Varieties defined by quadric equations, Corso C.I.M.E. 1969, in Questions on Algebraic Varieties, Cremonese, Rome, 83 (1970), 30-100. | MR 282975 | Zbl 0198.25801

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