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Referenza completa

De Falco, Maria:
Sui gruppi con molti sottogruppi subnormali
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 8 4-A (2001) —La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura, fasc. n.3 —Fascicolo Tesi di Dottorato, p. 431-434, Unione Matematica Italiana (Italian)
pdf (213 Kb), djvu (64 Kb). | Zbl 1053.20508

Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] M. DE FALCO, Groups satisfying the minimal condition on non-supersoluble subgroups, Ricerche Mat., 48 (1999), 353-360. | MR 1760827 | Zbl 0980.20022
[2] M. DE FALCO, Groups whose proper quotients are nilpotent-by-finite, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., in corso di stampa. | Zbl 1031.20026
[3] M. DE FALCO and F. DE GIOVANNI, Groups with many subgroups having a transitive normality relation, Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat., 31 (2000), 73-80. | fulltext (doi) | MR 1754955 | Zbl 0959.20029
[4] M. DE FALCO, L. A. KURDACHENKO and I. YA. SUBBOTIN, Groups with only abnormal and subnormal subgroups, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, 46 (1998), 435-442. | MR 1665935 | Zbl 0918.20017
[5] K. DOERK, Minimal nicht überauflösbare endliche Gruppen, Math. Z., 91 (1966), 198-205. | fulltext EuDML | MR 191962 | Zbl 0135.05401
[6] S. FRANCIOSI and F. DE GIOVANNI, Soluble groups with many nilpotent quotients, Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 89A (1989), 43-52. | MR 1021221 | Zbl 0653.20033
[7] S. FRANCIOSI and F. DE GIOVANNI, Groups with many supersoluble subgroups, Ricerche Mat., 40 (1991), 321-333. | MR 1194163 | Zbl 0818.20041
[8] B. HUPPERT, Normalteiler und maximale Untergruppen endlicher Gruppen, Math. Z., 60 (1954), 409-434. | fulltext EuDML | MR 64771 | Zbl 0057.25303
[9] D. J. S. ROBINSON, Groups which are minimal with respect to normality being intransitive, Pacific J. Math., 31 (1969), 777-785. | fulltext mini-dml | MR 258943 | Zbl 0185.05403
[10] D. J. S. ROBINSON and J. S. WILSON, Soluble groups with many polycyclic quotients, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3), 48 (1984), 193-229. | fulltext (doi) | MR 729068 | Zbl 0505.20023

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