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Referenza completa

Galluzzi, Federica:
A geometric description of Hazama's exceptional classes
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 8 3-B (2000), fasc. n.3, p. 727-737, Unione Matematica Italiana (English)
pdf (257 Kb), djvu (144 Kb). | MR1801607 | Zbl 1004.14002


Sia $X$ una varietà abeliana complessa di tipo Mumford. In queste note daremo una descrizione esplicita delle classi eccezionali in $B^{2}(X \times X)$ trovate da Hazama in [Ha] e le descriveremo geometricamente usando la grassmaniana delle rette di $\mathbb{P}^{7}$.
Referenze Bibliografiche
[DMOS] P. DELIGNE-J. S. MILNE-A. OGUS-K. SHIH, Hodge Cycles, Motives and Shimura Varieties, LNM 900, Springer-Verlag (1982). | MR 654325
[F-H] W. FULTON-J. HARRIS, Representation Theory, GTM 129, Springer-Verlag (1991). | MR 1153249
[Haz] F. HAZAMA, Algebraic cycles on certain abelian varieties and powers of special surfaces, J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo Sect. IA Math., 31 (1984), 487-520. | MR 776690
[Ga] F. GALLUZZI, Hodge structure of an abelian fourfold of Mumford-type, preprint.
[G] B. B. GORDON, A survey of the Hodge conjecture for Abelian Varieties, Duke preprint alg-geom 9709030, to appear in the second edition of «A survey of the Hodge conjecture» by James D. Lewis.
[Mu1] D. MUMFORD, Families of abelian varieties, in Algebraic Groups and Discontinuous Subgroup, Proc. Sympos.Pure Math., 9, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I. (1966), 347-351. | MR 206003
[Mu2] D. MUMFORD, A note of Shimura's Paper «Discontinuous Groups and Abelian Varieties», Math. Ann., 181, (1969), 345-351. | MR 248146
[vG] B. VAN GEEMEN, An introduction to the Hodge Conjecture for abelian varieties, Algebraic cycles and Hodge Theory, Torino 1993 Lect. Notes in Math. 1594, Springer, Berlin, etc., (1994), 233-252. | MR 1335243

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