bdim: Biblioteca Digitale Italiana di Matematica

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Referenza completa

Colesanti, Andrea:
Convessità in dimensione finita
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 8 1-A (1998) —La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura, fasc. n.1S —Supplemento Tesi di Dottorato, p. 93-96, Unione Matematica Italiana (Italian)
pdf (684 Kb), djvu (97 Kb). | MR1664123 | Zbl Zbl 0958.26009

Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] ALBERTI G., AMBROSIO L. and CANNARSA P., On the singularities of convex functions, Manuscr. Math., 76 (1992), 421-435. | fulltext (doi) | MR 1185029 | Zbl 0784.49011
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[4] BIANCHI G., COLESANTI A. and Pucci C., On the second differentiability of convex surfaces, Geom. Ded., 60 (1996), 39-48. | fulltext (doi) | MR 1376479 | Zbl 0843.26007
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[6] COLESANTI A., A Steiner Type formula for convex functions, Mathematika, 44 (1997), 195-214. | fulltext (doi) | MR 1464386 | Zbl 0878.52001
[7] COLESANTI A. and Pucci C., Qualitative and quantitative results for sets of singular points of convex bodies, Forum Math., 9 (1997), 103-125. | fulltext (doi) | MR 1426456 | Zbl 0872.52002
[8] COLESANTI A. and HUG D., Steiner type formulas and weighted measures of singularities for semiconvex functions, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. (in corso di stampa).
[9] ZAJIČEK L., On the differentiation of convex functions infinite and infinite dimensional spaces, Czech. Math. J., 29 (1979), 340-348. | fulltext mini-dml | MR 536060 | Zbl 0429.46007

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